Sket Dance Wiki
Sket Dance Wiki

Takashichea Takashichea 25 September 2021

SKET DANCE 10th Anniversary

アニメ「SKET DANCE」10周年!スケット団3人が揃った記念ビジュアル、BD-BOX発売

2021年9月24日 18:00

篠原健太原作によるTVアニメ「SKET DANCE」が放送から10周年を迎えたことを記念し、10周年記念ビジュアルとロゴが公開に。またBlu-ray BOXの発売が発表された。

10周年記念ビジュアルには、吉野裕行演じるボッスン、白石涼子演じるヒメコ、杉田智和演じるスイッチのスケット団3人を描写。12月24日に発売される「SKET DANCE Memorial Complete Blu-ray」にはTVアニメ全77話に加え、単行本29巻に同梱された「EX話」が収録される。ジャケットはキャラクターデザインの中武学の描き下ろし。さらに10月より各種映像サービスの配信も決定。詳細は近日公開予定だ。

「SKET DANCE」は、人助けを目的とした高校の部活動・スケット団の日常を描いたコメディ。週刊少年ジャンプ(集英社)で2007年から2013年にかけて連載され、TVアニメは2011年から2012年まで放送された。

Google Translate:

The 10th anniversary of the anime "SKET DANCE"! BD-BOX released, a commemorative visual with 3 members of the sket team

To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the TV anime "SKET DANCE" based on Kenta Shinohara, the 10th annivers…

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Takashichea Takashichea 25 September 2021

Minor Wiki Requests Post Here not Talk Pages

Please post them on my wall. If you post it on a talk page, no one is going to see it. I usually delete the talk page after finishing up the task. I am active in Magi and Anime Vice Wikia.

Thank you.

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Takashichea Takashichea 8 June 2020

FYI: Before You Edit Templates

I did leave it open to people who knew more coding than I do. However, I do express to new wiki editors to ask first before you edit. I have been more active on Anime Vice and Magi Wikia but my most of my internet activity is in I don't have time to edit like I used to be.

However, I can still check by because this is the first Wikia I came to and the place where I stored my work. (I should have been done it at Anime Vice Wikia). It's too late now.

Please let me know if you edit any templates. I just fixed a mistake that distorted the infobox. I can only undo but I can't fix coding issues.

Thank you.

Takashichea (talk) 00:00, June 8, 2020 (UTC)

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Takashichea Takashichea 6 June 2015

Sket Dance (Anime Vice Wiki Team)

Below is a copy of of the many archived wiki project blogs from Anime Vice. Anime Vice shut down on April 9, 2015. All wiki editors had the option of migrating to our new Wikia, Anime Vice, a pre-existing Wikia, or Comic Vine. For me, since I done a majority of the episode summaries, I decided to only transfer my work to this Wikia along with work of my old teammates. My old teammates still have the right to their own work. If they come back, the work might be moved to AV Wikia at any time.

Thank you. I do love both Sket Dance and Anime Vice. It was hard to choose one place to preserve my Anime Vice teammates work and balance my Sket Dance Wikia teammates, too.

  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Members
  • 3 Friends
  • 4 Updates
    • 4.1 Legend
    • 4.2 1. Anime
    • 4.3 Week of Aug 18 2011
    • 4.4 Upd…

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Takashichea Takashichea 16 March 2014

A Short Leave in March

I have to leave the Wikia for the month of March since my role in Anime Vice has been over demanding. I have to work on Toriko wiki project and To Hollywood and Beyond Wikia, just to work on adding infoboxes to the Screened wiki I had to save during the week of March 14.

Sorry about that. I try to edit once a week, but I don't think I can for this month.

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